100% carbon neutral electricity

Octopus Energy generates its electricity from 100% renewable sources.

If you care about a greener Britain then you can actually do something about it by switching to Octopus Energy. All of their electricity is generated from renewable sources such as: wind, hydro and solar. This means that unlike other energy companies who might sell you electricity from sources such as coal or nuclear energy plants, Octopus’s carbon footprint will be much, much lower. So if you want to impact the future of our planet take a step in the right direction and sign up today.

What is green or renewable electricity?

There are quite a few forms of renewable electricity. All renewable electricity is generated or collected from sources that are renewable. Some examples are:

  • Wind power
  • Solar power
  • Hydro electric power
  • Tidal power
  • Geothermal power
  • Hydrogen gas (used to generate electricity)

So if you want to make a difference and use only carbon neutral electricity, Octopus Energy is the way to go.

How can Octopus Energy guarantee that my electricity is carbon neutral?

As of 2011 Octopus Energy built its very own solar farm. Apart from this it invests heavily in all forms of renewable energy such as solar and wind. It is the UK’s largest investor into solar energy. It also ensures you always receive carbon neutral energy by buying any energy it doesn’t produce itself directly from producers of green electricity.

What is non-renewable or dirty electricity?

Electricity generated from non-renewable sources usually has a substantial impact on the environment. Almost 40% of the worlds electricity is still generated by burning coal. This is by far the most common form of electricity production. Another form of generating electricity that isn’t great for the environment is one that uses natural gas. This not only requires natural gas to be sourced from the earth, it is then burned and its heat energy is converted into electrical energy.

What is a nuclear power plant?

Nuclear power uses radioactive materials to generate electricity. In the majority of cases Uranium atoms are split in a process called fission. This generates heat, in turn this can convert water into steam, and as a result turn a generator (in a similar way to hydro). Whilst this might appear harmless on the surface, not only can meltdowns happen (like Chernobyl and Fukushima) countries are also left with the problem of dealing with the left over radioactive waste.

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