Tools to save money on your energy bills.

Scroll down for some fantastic tech and other items that can help you save money on your energy bills.

It is an unprecedented time in the UK with regards to energy prices. In April 2022 the price cap rose a whopping 54% and if that wasn’t shocking enough it is due to go up again in October. With this in mind we have created a list of list of items and tech that can help you keep your energy bills under control.

Nest Thermostat – Complete temperature control

Nest thermostat

This is an expensive entry in the list, but the savings it can bring over the course of its lifetime are sizeable and if used correctly it will pay for itself many times over. The level of control and automation provided by the Nest Thermostat is second to none.

Using your smartphone you will be able to log in and create schedules and rules to ensure that heating is only coming on as and when needed.

Key features:

  1. Smartphone control, control from anywhere.
  2. Control temperature and hot water tank.
  3. Recommendations to save energy “Follow the leaf”.
  4. Monitor usage and how much you have saved.
  5. Save money by controlling every aspect of your home or office heating.

Bosh smart radiator valve – The power to control each room

It is one thing to control the heating in your whole house with a smart thermostat. But this next gadget takes it to the next level allowing for a room by room level of control. With these implemented properly it means that you can heat your bedrooms just before you wake up and just before you go to bed without heating the rooms all day (this is our favourite way of using them anyway).

Having this level of granularity means that you can close certain rooms off while you aren’t using them for the majority of the day and simply heat them as and when they are used, saving massively on your energy bills. Smart radiator valves are a must for any energy conscious family and their smart home set up.

Key Features:

  • Smart radiator valves allow for individual room control plan.
  • Works with Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa.
  • Controlled via App.
  • Target temperature for a room can be set on the the radiator or on the app.
  • Nice white colour to match most radiators.
  • Works with Bosh Smart Home Controller

Eve Smart Plug – Knowledge through monitoring

Smart Plug Power Meter

Being able to control your heating is a big aspect of controlling your electric spending, however the more you know about your electrical devices and appliances and how much power they consume the more you can adapt your usage to reduce consumption. However it is obviously really hard to understand what device is using more or less power.

Is it cheaper to dry your clothes in a dryer or using a dehumidifier and a clothes horse? Which dishwasher setting uses loads of hot water and power? It is almost impossible to answer questions like these unless of course you have a smart plug like this Eve Smart Plug we are highlighting today.

Key Features:

  • Track power consumption on literally any electrical device that plugs into a UK mains socket! WOW!
  • Can be used to control devices remotely with your phone.
  • Can be used to schedule devices that need to be on or off at a give time.
  • Works with both Bluetooth and Thread networks
  • HomeKit enabled
  • Easy set up.
  • Works completely without any tracking.

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